5 interactive social media campaigns using Typeform
Let’s face it, social media marketing has become a one-sided affair. Brands publish content, promote their social media campaigns, and share photos, videos, and articles. 6000 tweets are sent every single second. News feeds are now so saturated that potential customers hit “unfollow” before you can say “information overload.”
So how do you make your content seem more than just a tiny speck in the social media universe?
1. Create a quiz
What’s an easy way to grab the attention of your potential customers? Create something fun and engaging. Like a quiz.
Follow the lead of Anthony Nolan, the UK’s largest blood cancer charity. They needed to recruit potential stem cell donors for young men. And what catches the attention of young men? You got it. Sex, sports, and scandal.
By piquing the interests of their target audience, The Quiz That Saves Lives sparks awareness for stem cell donation in a tongue-in-cheek way.
Plus, Typeform lets you customize your quiz to match the look and feel of your brand — giving you a brand awareness boost without the need to know any coding.
2. Launch a competition
Competitions are a steady favorite when it comes to social media campaigns. Our competitive instinct is rooted deep in our biology, and appealing to this tendency is a great way to catch the attention of your customers.
The answer? Set up a clever contest with a real incentive by playing to your customers’ strengths. Allow them to get creative and make themselves stand out. And tie your campaign to a current event.
Take inspiration from Carrefour. In 2016, the French government passed a law banning supermarkets from throwing away or destroying unsold food. In response, the supermarket chain launched a competition for startups with ideas to help tackle the food waste problem.

3. Market your giveaway
Vita Coco created a Typeform for their Coconut Oil giveaway, promoted by brand ambassador Chrissy Teigen. Turns out it’s an ideal way to generate leads in a friendly way. The whole process feels like a conversation, making it easy for potential customers to fill in their details to receive their sample. You get information, customers get a freebie. Everyone’s a winner.
And in the end, it’s all about product quality. So you can bet that once people get a taste, they’ll come running back for more.
4. Design a survey
Market research surveys come in handy for improving products and prioritizing updates. But there’s often this lingering “What’s in it for me?” feeling.
But tying an incentive to your survey doesn’t have to involve money. Instead, you can simply show your respondents how you plan to use the data to improve your service. Or, in the case of SaaS analytics tool Kilometer.io, you can send out a market research survey before even creating your product.
Instead of building something nobody wants, Kilometer.io started by asking their potential customers exactly what they were looking for. They shared their survey on different social media platforms and found that people were happy to help create a tool they could use.
Oh, and for those that really needed a material reward, they threw in a free growth hacking t-shirt in exchange for participating in the survey.
5. Make a donation form
Sometimes it isn’t all about profit. For example, when a fellow Typeformer announced that he would be climbing Mount Kilimanjaro to raise money for MS, the whole company rallied to promote the cause on social media.
And the best part? The donation form was really easy to make. By using a Typeform with a Stripe integration, you can inform people about a cause, ask them how much they wish to donate, and take payments in one single process.
Remember: it’s all about building relationships
You know those people who love to talk about themselves? Do they make you want to call them up and grab a coffee? Not exactly.
The same applies to social media strategy. If you bombard your audience with information, they’re going to stop interacting with it.
But if you involve your audience, you’re far more likely to get them on board. And this is why interactive campaigns are so successful.
In the end, just as good conversations build lasting relationships between people, interactive social campaigns help engage your customers and build trust in your brand. And when it comes to creating a reputable brand name, there’s nothing more important than trust.
Typeform + GetSocial
If you want to combine the incredible versatility of Typeform with the tools from GetSocial, a good option is to use the Welcome Bar, creating a strong call to action in across your website or just on specific pages:

In case you’re looking for a more targeted approach, such as showing a pop-up to users that are leaving the page, you could use the Hello Buddy to that effect:

The best thing: all of this is available for free!
Let’s get some social media campaigns on the road, shall we?
About the Author: Beatrice Murray-Nag
Beatrice specializes in digital marketing, and is currently working in social media for Typeform, a Barcelona-based startup. When not busy instagramming and tweeting, you’ll find her writing freelance articles, investigating local galleries, and getting acquainted with the best cafés and restaurants that Barcelona has to offer.
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