As such, it made sense to improve our Alerts feature with the same flexibility.
That’s why today we’re proud to present our new version of GetSocial Alerts.
Here’s the list of changes from v1:
- Ignoring old content: on v1 we would verify if you had already been alerted about a specific story. Now we can exclude from that verification content that is older than a given number of days.

- Location/Path Selector: enables alerts for content based on its URL structure, with options to Include and Exclude paths. A user may exclude content from the /travel section to be alerted, for example.

- Meta Tag Selector: enables alerts for content based on its URL meta tags (name & property types). A user may be alerted only about content from author “John Doe”, for example.

- Custom Alert Triggers: On v2, a user may select custom triggers in a time and engagement dimensions. For example, a user may be alerted about any content that had more than 350 shares on Facebook during the last week.

- New Delivery Settings: On v1, a user could select between live, hourly or daily notifications. On v2, a user may use one or two settings:
(1) Live: be alerted about articles as soon as alert conditions are met, and/or
(2) Schedule: Send a user-defined number of top articles that meet the conditions, on a scheduled basis, for example: every day at 9AM, 12PM and 3PM.

These are the main changes for the v2 launch of GetSocial Alerts. Feel free to reach out to for any feedback you may have.
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