If you want to find ideas for content but don’t know where to start and what to write about, we will point you in the right direction. The internet is jam-packed with a whole host of articles about any subject you can imagine, and these are brilliant jumping-off points for your own content.
So if you’ve never heard of these sites, or have never devoted some time to exploring and seeing what they have to offer, it’s time to click.

Digg is “what the internet is talking about right now”. They handpick the best and most interesting articles from around the web, about the most interesting subjects. They share a great mixture of articles on current affairs and features about random but fascinating stuff. To give you an idea of the great range of subject matter you’ll find on Digg, today they’ve shared articles about Brazil, Donald Trump and why you should quit Pokemon GO. It’s what the internet is talking about and more.
If Digg is what the internet is talking about, Reddit is the home of internet trends. This is the place where you’ll find literally everything, with thousands of online communities sharing and discussing every subject imaginable. On Reddit, you’ll find everything from the biggest news story to the funniest photo of the day. The front page will have the most popular ‘thing’ at that moment in time, whether it’s a picture or an article or a gif. And then you’ve got a whole host of brilliant subreddits. So pick what you love — be it science, rock music, art, jokes etc — and discover new and fantastic things on a daily basis. Want to see all the best stuff on one page? Check out Upvoted, a website dedicated to Reddit’s most popular content.
PopUrls, “the genuine aggregator”, puts all your favorite sites in one place. It contains headlines from the web’s most popular sites, such as Buzzfeed, Reddit, Digg, The Onion and Huffington Post, amongst others. Visit PopUrls and you’ll just get headlines — there’s no time for photos or descriptions — so you’re quickly but effectively informed about what’s happening in the world. Of course, you only get a selection of stories from each site, so if you find that you’re getting the majority of content ideas from one site, in particular, it’s obviously worth your while just bookmarking that site.
Described as a “one-stop shop” for social media, Mashable was founded in 2005 and calls itself “the leading media company for the Connected Generation and the voice of digital culture”. You can’t really argue with that, as Mashable is one of the best blogs for tech news, as well as business, entertainment and of course, social media. There’s a great mixture of current news and thought-provoking/informative features, and they throw in the odd viral video or story to keep the shares coming.
Daily Dot
Daily Dot keeps going and going and going. Scroll down far enough and you might get to the end of the page, but only if you ignore the excellent and varied content of this magazine. Daily Dot has loads of great sections, including Lifestyle, Entertainment, Politics, Business, Tech and even Crime. Within those sections, you’ll find viral videos, news stories, features, and opinion pieces. The only downside is it’ll keep your attention for too long, thus distracting you from creating your own excellent content. But Daily Dot really is a great place to find ideas for content.
Want to get more ideas for content?
- How to Create Content your Audience will Love
- Walking the line between Clickbait and Quality Content
- How to Build a Social Media Empire
- 5 Times that Instagram Won Social Sharing
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