Hey everyone, October has just started but we wanted to make sure we kept you informed on our product updates from last month.
Weekly insights in your inbox, MailChimp integration & more. Without further ado:

GetSocial’s Weekly Digest
We decided to make your life even easier. We’re going to send you a weekly summary of the social activity made on your website. Get to know how many shares and referrals you had from each network. Understand which tools are being used to share your site. Test, optimize, improve, win!

MailChimp Integration
This was a must-do! So many of you reached out to us asking for an easy mailchimp integration. So we dit it. For those using the Subscribe Bar or Price Alert features, it’s now super easy to push those golden emails directly into your favorite lists. The process is quite simple:
- Step 1: Find the Mailchimp card on our tool list, click Activate.
- Step 2: Login with your Mailchimp account
- Step 3: Choose the list you want to push emails to.
- Step 4: There’s no step 4, it’s done.
The Subscriber bar, Price Alert & Mailchimp Integration are part of our Starter plan, available from just $9 per month.

Reduced Tracking Code Size
Size does matter. The address bar tracking code was reduced by 66%. We had a lot of feedback from some of our customers who wanted to track their dark social sharing (copy paste) but thought the size of the tracking code we placed on the URL was not sexy. With that in mind, we’ve reduced the code by more than half, so it provides a more bearable experience to everyone. This is an automatic change, you just need to activate the Copy Paste Share Tracking feature.
That’s it. Have a fantastic week.
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